The summer months can be scorching hot, which can put your pet at risk for heatstroke. Today our Vienna vets talk about the signs and symptoms of heatstroke in cats and dogs and how you can help.
Heat Stroke in Cats and Dogs
Heatstroke usually occurs in the summer months when it is hot and your pet's core body temperature rises above normal at a faster rate than their bodies can cool themselves down. This could make their entire body take an inflammatory response, which can result in organ failure and even be fatal.
Other factors that can cause heatstroke in cats and dogs include excessive exercise, not enough shade, dehydration, a warm/ humid environment with inadequate circulation, such as being in an unventilated car or being left outside on a hot day.
The following factors could increase your pet's risk of heatstroke:
- Obesity
- Thick fur/ coat
- Age ( young or old pets)
- Dehydration
- Flat-faced pets ( Himalayan cats, Persian cats, bulldogs, Scottish terriers, etc.)
If you believe your pet has heatstroke it is considered an emergency that requires immediate veterinary care.
Signs and Symptoms of Heatstroke in Dogs and Cats
There are several signs you should watch out for to determine if your cat or dog has heat exhaustion/ heatstroke and we have listed them below:
- Panting (most frequent;y seen in dogs, but cats in distress pant as well)
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Lethargy
- Little to no urine
- Delirium/mental confusion
- Excessive drooling
- Red or pale gums
- Seizures
- Muscle tremors
- Red tongue
- Heart rate increase
- Distressed breathing
- Rapid breathing
- Coma
If you notice any of these symptoms contact your vet right away as heatstroke is a very serious condition that requires urgent care.
First Aid For Heatstroke In Pets
Before taking your pet to the vet or if you can't get there immediately there are several things you can do to bring down your cat or dog's body temperature at home.
- First, remove them from the hot environment as fast as you can.
- Place cool (not cold!) water or cloths on their bodies to help cool them down. Don't use ice packs, ice cubes or cold water as it can worsen their condition.
- Aim a fan at them to assist with evaporative cooling.
- Keep the air conditioner or cooling fan on the entire time you are in the car taking them to the vet.
- Your pet must be cooled down gradually; trying to cool your cat or dog too quickly will only make the situation worse. Never use ice or ice-cold water.
Call your vet to inform them of your emergency and to let them know you are on your way, they may even provide you with further instructions on how to help your pet, before you get to the animal hospital.
To Prevent Heatstroke
The best treatment for heatstroke is to prevent it from happening altogether. Follow these steps to keep your beloved cat or dog safe from the heat:
- Make sure your pet has access to shade and fresh drinking water, especially if they must be outside in the heat.
- Keep your pet inside on hot days and only bring them outside for bathroom breaks.
- Do not leave your pet in a car! Even on mild days, the temperature in a vehicle can rise very rapidly.
- Keep your pet off of hot surfaces with little or no shade such as asphalt, concrete, and stone.
- Keep a water area in the shade such as a kiddie pool or sprinkler so your dog can cool themselves off and have fun while they are outside.
- Ensure that indoor or enclosed areas are well ventilated with fans or/ and air conditioning.
- Do not take your pet outside for exercise during the day when it is hot out, wait for the evening time when the air is cooler.